
3d Printing Industry: Entering EntresD, Barcelona’s 3D Print Shop

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3d Printing Industry: Entering EntresD, Barcelona’s 3D Print Shop

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12/03/15 – Barcelona is the city that has the first FabLab in Europe, a FabCafè, an active Maker community, and two teams working on food 3D printers.

There are 2 Projet 3D printers in the basement of what is possibly the world’s most famous (and spectacular) unfinished church: the Sagrada Familia, a true inspiration for architects and modelers since the late 800’s. All that was missing was a 3D print shop. When it opened up last June, 2014, EntresD became that shop.

While I was in Barcelona for a few days to visit Mobile World Congress (where I met with HP’s new global 3D printing division, based right here in Barcelona), and to explore the local 3D printing community, I passed by EntresD to pay them a surprise visit. I got there just as Maria Torras, who is in charge of the shop’s marketing activities, was opening up. So, I introduced myself and Maria showed me around the shop.

Lee el artículo completo en el siguiente enlace:

Maria Torras


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